About Speciality Cinema Speciality Cinema has built a reputation for excellence in food, customer service and family environment. Whether it's to dine in or take out, we warmly invite our guests for a hot lunch or dinner.
Bermudas Favourite Local Restaurant!
Since 1985, Speciality Inn has built a reputation for excellence in food, customer service and family environment. Whether it's to dine in or take out, we warmly invite our guests for a hot and...
Located on the beautiful South Shore, opposite Horseshoe Bay, Gulfstream specialises in the freshest seafood and fish and sushi. We have tanks for a selection of live oysters, clams and lobster (local Spiny Lobster in season and Maine...
Located in the heart of the Washington mall in a modern and vibrant atmosphere.
Sammy Wong the executive chef, trained for many years in Japan. He put togheter a sushi menu combining the oriental sushi tradition with the western...
Washington Mall III,, 16 Church St., City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 11